The Center for Consumer Freedom is pleased to announce our 5th Annual Tarnished Halo Awards
"If an Old Dog Won't Learn New Tricks, Inject It with Lethal Drugs" Award
Given to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) for the combined 42 felony animal-cruelty charges brought against two PETA employees...
"Detroit's Poor Should Pay More" Award
Given to Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick for proposing a new tax on fast food...
"Not in My Backyard" Award
Given to environmentalist lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whose fight for "green" energy apparently stops as soon as the results might spoil his view...
"First Thing We Do, Let's Kill All The Doctors" Award
Given to Dr. Jerry Vlasak, a California trauma surgeon who advocates the "political assassination" of medical researchers whose search for AIDS and cancer cures requires the use of lab rats...
"Talk Out of One Side, Eat with Other" Award
Given to California Attorney General Bill Lockyer, for spreading needless fears about a food that he eats...
"Lawyers Gorging on Pop Torts" Award
Given to the Public Health Advocacy Institute's Richard Daynard for his defense of greed...
"The Violent-Minded Professor" Award
Given to University of Texas-El Paso philosophy professor Steven Best, the animal-rights evangelist who was banned from entering Great Britain and removed from the chairmanship of his department this year...
"Take with Many Grains of Salt" Award
Given to the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) for proposing a new federal bureaucracy in the form of a "Division of Salt Reduction."...
"Bottom Feeders" Award
Given to Chicago Tribune reporters Sam Roe and Michael Hawthorne for whipping up needless fears about mercury in fish with a series of breathless "investigative" articles in December...
"Tax First, Ask Questions Later" Award
Given to Yale's Kelly Brownell for advocating a Twinkie Tax that even he is not sure would work...
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