Monday, January 09, 2006

Day Old Donuts

Ben Merkle

Moscow, Idaho is a unique place. We have two major universities crammed into a few miles of country bumpkin farmland. It's an interesting contrast, which highlights some odd quirks that might have elsewhere gone unnoticed. Four-wheel drives and cowboy hats blend in in most farm towns. But it is a little odd to sit in your organic chemistry class next to someone dressed up as Clint Eastwood: boots, hat, duster and all.

But things stand out going the other way as well. Mom's Weekend is notorious. In a big city these women would be ubiquitous. But in Moscow, we don't have enough size to dilute the influx of early forty-something women trying to relive their youth. Hundreds of moms descend on the town looking for action. A sea of siliconed, botoxed, lypo-suctioned, lifted, tucked, injected, tanning bedded, desperate housewives, and all of them, like Gretchen Wilson, are here for the party. My wife came up with the perfect expression to describe them: the day-old-doughnuts.
Perhaps the metaphor needs a little explanation....(click title above to continue article)


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