Sunday, September 17, 2006

Top Ten List: If Hillary Becomes President

Top Ten List: If Hillary Becomes President

1. During the campaign, she and Bill will have a covert yet overheard and therefore reported, romantic reconciliation ...with photos
2. Throughout the entire campaign cycle, we will see her swathed in pink, after which she will relapse into black pant suits accented with bright colors, less make-up and shorter hair (she has spoken wistfully of sporting a crew-cut)
3. Chelsea will at long last get married in a fabulous photo-op white house wedding; televised (Bill will cry), choreographed and paid for by Hollywood cronies. The young couple will then busy themselves producing grandbabies in time to prop up poll numbers
4. Prime government appointments will be women, competent or not. One week a month, all men will exit the building
5. Hillary will end "don't ask don't tell", extending the red carpet to gays in the military, even conferring special status with new medals - Gay Bling
6. She will be the least visible president ever at non-scripted events. In her many scripted events, she will exercise total control and the press will grovel and self-censor or be frozen out
7. She will drop Clinton as her surname, perhaps dropping Rodham, and so proceed simply as HILLARY - Superstar - (think Cher)
8. We will at last be treated to a public display of that famous and profane temper when some poor sucker asks the wrong question
9. Bill will become Secretary General of the U.N., appointing himself ”king of the world”
10. We’ll all be equal, but some of us will be more equal than others


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