Blessed are the Greens?
(Bad theology followed by junk science, just to placate the left, DUMB. - Florence)
By Steven Hayward
This week some evangelical Christian groups issued "a call for their faithful to press the Bush administration into action on climate change," the Guardian newspaper reported. A union of evangelicals, who voted for George Bush by a four-to-one margin, and environmentalists, who voted for John Kerry by a four-to-one margin, is the perfect man-bites-dog story for the media.
Both camps are wary at their unlikely common cause. There is a fitting symmetry to the suspicions each camp holds of the other, which can be reduced to the common theme of fundamentalism. The phenomenon of fundamentalist Christianity is well-known; the phenomenon of what might be called "fundamentalist environmentalism" is equally applicable but less clearly recognized in the media and elsewhere...(read more by clicking title)
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