Michael Schiavo PAC to Target pro-Terri Lawmakers Fails to File Paperwork
by Steven Ertelt
LifeNews.com Editor
February 8, 2006
Clearwater, FL (LifeNews.com) --
Michael Schaivo created a political action committee at the end of last year to "hold accountable" lawmakers who supported Terri Schiavo and her family's efforts to prevent her euthanasia death. Apparently, Michael Schiavo isn't being accountable for filing his paperwork with national and state elections officials.(Click title to continue article)
After filing an organizational statement with the FEC, the national elections office responded with a request for more information and asked TerriPAC treasurer, Michael's brother Brian Schiavo, to respond by January 20.
The web site indicates no response has been filed.
"Failure to provide an adequate response by this date may result in an audit of the committee," the FEC wrote Brian. The nonresponse could also trigger "enforcement action" against the committee.
Should the FEC decide to audit Michael's group, their work won't take long. The FEC web site indicates TerriPAC has yet to receive any donations and has a $0 bank balance...
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