Friday, March 31, 2006

Tackling Tehran

Investors Business Daily
Posted 3/30/2006
roliferation: The U.N.'s toothless response to Iran's defiance on nuclear weapons tells Iran it can do what it wants with no consequences. Once again, the U.S. is in the lonely position of telling a rogue state "no."
The so-called P5 — the U.S., Britain, France, China and Russia, the five permanent, veto-wielding members of the U.N. Security Council — on Thursday issued a new set of "demands" to Iran. But calling the weak requests it made "demands" is a bit grandiose. The group really just punted...
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Death Marks an Anniversary—Have We Learned Anything?

By Albert Mohler
Friday, March 31, 2006
Today, March 31, 2006, marks the one year anniversary of Terri Schiavo's death by starvation. All too quickly, Terri's name and cause disappeared from the national awareness as our attention-deficit culture moved on to other issues and other concerns.
Just in time for the anniversary of her death, publishers have released books written by Terri's former husband, Michael Schiavo, and her parents--each offering competing visions of Terri's life and the meaning of Terri's death. Given the symbolic nature of this sad anniversary, another flurry of news stories, cable news programs, and media commentaries are likely to appear. But, has America learned anything about the sanctity of human life over the past twelve months?...
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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm Will Sign Abortion-Ultrasound Bill

by Steven Ertelt Editor
March 20, 2006
Lansing, MI ( --
Pro-abortion Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm says she will sign a bill that will allow women to see an ultrasound of their unborn child prior to having an abortion. The move is somewhat of a surprise because Granholm has vetoed virtually every other piece of pro-life legislation state lawmakers have approved...
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Wisconsin House Approves Abstinence Bill, Heads to Gov. Doyle

by Steven Ertelt Editor
March 20, 2006
Madison, WI ( --
The Wisconsin state House approved legislation that would require sex ed programs in public schools to promote abstinence as the preferred sexual behavior for teens. The bill now heads to pro-abortion Governor Jim Doyle, who has not taken a position on it.
The measure requires primary and secondary schools spend more time teaching abstinence education than other methods of preventing pregnancy...
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Monday, March 20, 2006

"Big Love"?: HBO Skips True Polygamy in Islamic U.S.

March 20, 2006
By Debbie Schlussel
HBO's new show, "Big Love," is getting a lot of hype. Airing in the prized post-Soprano's slot on Sundays at 10 p.m. Eastern, the show is about a lapsed Mormon in suburban Salt Lake City who has three wives and families.
But while the Mormon Church banned the practice of polygamy in 1890, another religion continues to encourage it to this day. Hint: It begins with an I, ends with an M, and has an S-L-A in the middle.
If you think men with four wives only happens in Utah, think again. If you think that, with Muslims, it only happens in some desert emirate over in the Middle East, also think again.
The fact is there are Muslim men with multiple wives living everywhere in America. But unlike the Mormons--most of whom don't practice polygamy anymore--Muslims with multiple wives aren't subject to ridicule, like HBO shows or Jay Leno jokes. And they aren't prosecuted, like Mormon Tom Green was...
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Friday, March 17, 2006

A Thousand Sri-Lankan Female Tea-Plantation Workers March Against Abortion

By Gudrun Schultz
COLOMBO, Sri Lanka, March 17, 2006 ( –
Women workers on tea-plantations left their jobs for a day to march in protest against abortion on International Women’s Day March 8.
Nearly a thousand women carrying placards saying “women are not slaves” and “stop abortion” marched through the Hatton area of central Sri Lanka, performing a street play along the way about the harm caused by abortion.
Fr. George Sigamani, of the Kandy diocese, coordinated the protest. Fr. Sigamani is head of the justice, peace, human development and human rights apostolate for the diocese. He told UCA News there have been hundreds of illegal abortions in the area.
”One of the major issues is the number of abortions taking place,” he said. Abortion is illegal in Sri Lanka unless the mother’s life is in danger. Fr. Sigamani said most of the abortions take place because the pregnancy occurred outside of marriage, or because the woman’s husband demanded that she have an abortion...
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Thursday, March 16, 2006

Polygamy, Gay Marriage and Values

March 17, 2006
By Charles Krauthammer
And now, polygamy.
With the sweetly titled HBO series ``Big Love,'' polygamy comes out of the closet. Under the headline ``Polygamists, Unite!'' Newsweek informs us of ``polygamy activists emerging in the wake of the gay-marriage movement.'' Says one evangelical Christian big lover: ``Polygamy rights is the next civil-rights battle.''
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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Astonishing Success of Pro-Life Project at Canadian University

By Luke Jalsevac
Students arriving at Hamilton’s McMaster University on a snowy Tuesday morning for their regular classes had no idea they were in for a sobering dose of the reality of abortion. Early in the morning, LifeLine, the McMaster pro-life group, had set up displays of photos depicting the grisly truth of abortion all around campus. The project was entitled simply “Unmasking Choice.”
The effect on the student population was powerful and immediate.
Johanna Miller, president of LifeLine, could not contain her excitement when she spoke to LifeSiteNews later in the evening. “From the responses of the students it was obvious that many had never been exposed to the pro-life message before,” effused Johanna...
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Menstrual Blood has 30 Times more Stem Cells than Bone Marrow Says Study

by Hilary White
ATLANTA, March 15, 2006 ( -
A team of researchers from Japan has shown that stem cells are found abundantly in menstrual blood. The discovery was announced at the meeting of the American College of Cardiology in Atlanta on Monday...
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Pro-Abortion and Pro-Life Women Join Forces to End Exploitive Harvesting of Human Eggs

LONDON, March 15, 2006 ( -
On March 8th, International Women's Day, a coalition of abortion-supporting and pro-life women, concerned at the growing exploitation of women in biotechnology launched a new campaign against the harvesting and marketing of human eggs. The campaign, "Hands off our ovaries!" highlights the short and long-term risks involved in egg harvesting and its significance for the health and dignity of women.

Concerned feminist representatives have joined together on this common ground, outraged by the casual attitude of the biotech industry towards the female body. Like-minded leaders and groups from around the world are invited to join a list which already includes representation from the USA Europe and Asia.

"Egg extraction as currently practiced poses inadequately understood, yet clearly significant risks to women's health. It is unconscionable to encourage young women to take these risks purely for research purposes," says Diane Beeson, Professor of Sociology at the California State University, East Bay and founder member of "Hands off our ovaries"...
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Monday, March 13, 2006

Survey Finds Most Americans Want Balanced Teaching of Evolution

By Jim Brown
March 13, 2006
(AgapePress) -
A new nationwide poll commissioned by the Seattle, Washington-based Discovery Institute indicates that the overwhelming majority of Americans want to see both the strengths and weaknesses of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution taught in U.S. classrooms.
The poll by Zogby International finds that 69 percent of Americans agreed that biology teachers should teach Darwin's theory of evolution, but should also teach students about the scientific evidence against it. Just 21 percent felt only scientific evidence supporting evolution should be taught...
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Friday, March 10, 2006

South Dakota starts up the debate

Mar 10, 2006
by Tony Snow
South Dakota Gov. Mike Rounds recently signed into law a measure that would prohibit abortion except when necessary to save the life of the mother. The measure, clearly designed to test the limits of Roe v. Wade, aroused enough controversy that Rounds quickly went underground, informing the press that he would grant no further interviews on the measure.
No wonder: Republicans around the country treated Rounds to an old-fashioned shunning. President Bush brushed off South Dakota, repeating his oft-stated belief in exceptions for pregnancies initiated through rape and incest. Not a single Republican of stature uttered so much as an "attaboy."...
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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Teacher's rationale is no defense at all

By Al Knight
Denver Post Columnist
The controversy over the recording of an Overland High School geography class lecture has inevitably ended up as a contest of dueling television interviews.
Jay Bennish, the teacher who delivered a left-leaning political lecture to the class, was featured on NBC's "Today" show on Tuesday while Sean Allen, the student who taped the lecture, has appeared on other shows with somewhat smaller audiences.
Still, at this stage, any fair-minded viewer must conclude that Allen is winning the argument. Allen is both calm and articulate and has avoided saying anything that might be characterized as unreasonable. He has said, over and over again, that his objection to Bennish is the teacher's failure to offer balanced presentations...
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Pro-life women in S.D. legislature destroying abortion myths

Mar 7, 2006
By Michael Foust
Baptist Press
Slowly but surely, female legislators in South Dakota are shattering the myth that says male politicians are the only ones who support abortion restrictions.
Of the 16 women in the South Dakota House and Senate, 11 voted in February for a bill that would ban all abortions in the state, unless it's necessary to save the mother's life. Signed into law Feb. 6 by Republican Gov. Mike Rounds, the effort is a direct challenge to the U.S. Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion nationwide. The law would go into effect July 1, although it likely will be struck down before then in federal court. Supporters hope the high court takes the case and overturns Roe...
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Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Port Split

Mar 5, 2006
by Larry Kudlow
As the review period intensifies over plans for Dubai Ports World to take over some operations at six U.S. ports, President Bush is facing an uphill battle to get the deal through. Congressional opposition is widespread and a number of polls say the American public is largely against it. Unfortunately, conservatives are badly split on the issue. Commentators like Charles Krauthammer, David Brooks, Jack Kemp, and myself are in favor of the deal, while others like Bill Bennett, Michelle Malkin, and Pat Buchanan are very much opposed.
From my standpoint, taking into account all the editorializing, talk-show tempests, and political sound bites of recent weeks, I have yet to see any real evidence that the deal will compromise U.S. national security...
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Raising Boys That Feminists Will Hate

Mar 4, 2006
by Doug Giles
Parent, if you have a young son and you want him to grow up to be a man, then you need to keep him away from pop culture, public school and a lot of Nancy Boy churches. If metrosexual pop culture, feminized public schools and the effeminate branches of evanjellycalism lay their sissy hands on him, you can kiss his masculinity good-bye—because they will morph him into a dandy.
Yeah, mom and dad, if . . . if . . . you dare to raise your boy as a classic boy in this castrated epoch, then you’ve got a task that’s more difficult than getting a drunk Ted Kennedy to hit the urinal at Chili’s.
Get it right, mom and dad—you are rowing against the flotsam and jetsam of Sally River. I hope you have a sturdy ideological paddle and some serious forearms, because postmodernism is determined to keep your boy and his testosterone at bay. Yes, they will attempt at every turn to either drill it or drug it out of him...
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The feminist anti-kid crusade

Mar 5, 2006
by Carey Roberts
Call it one of those simple yet profound truths: only a father can help a boy become a man. And only a daddie can teach a girl about healthy male-female relationships.
Both dads and moms are unique and special. Maybe that’s why dads love to mix it up with rough-and-tumble play. Perhaps it’s why fathers teach kids a thing or two about risk-taking. And no doubt it has something to do with that tough love thing.
Countless studies point to the same conclusion: kids with hands-on dads do better in school, in the community, and in life. I could almost write a book about it – and fortunately, someone already has:
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A duel in the mommy wars

By Jennifer Roback Morse
Mar 6, 2006
Good Morning America recently devoted two days of coverage to "The Mommy Wars," highlighting a feminist named Linda Hirshman, a retired law professor. Her argument is that "choice feminism" has been a failure, because too many of the younger generation of highly educated, promising women have chosen to stay home with their children.
I reply, "Out of Touch Feminism" has been a failure. These self-appointed spokeswomen for American womanhood have no idea what makes women tick and have contempt for what real women actually want...
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Moms make lousy dads

By Burt Prelutsky
Mar 7, 2006
One of the more fatuous beliefs that has been foisted off by self-proclaimed feminists and other politically correct lamebrains is that children don’t really need fathers. I used to say that American women, thanks to increased salaries and well- stocked sperm banks, had reached a point where they only needed men to open ketchup bottles and get stuff down from high shelves. Ladies, I was joking!
I had no idea that so many women took the line to heart. Thanks to my good joke and Gloria Steinem’s bad one – that crack about fish needing bicycles – women have become increasingly wacky. What is really surprising, considering that thirty years of feminist propaganda has promoted the natural superiority of females, is how masculine, in the worst sense of the word, women have become...
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Friday, March 03, 2006

Oscars for Osama

March 3, 2006
By Charles Krauthammer
Nothing tells you more about Hollywood than what it chooses to honor. Nominated for best foreign film is ``Paradise Now,'' a sympathetic portrayal of two suicide bombers. Nominated for best picture is ``Munich,'' a sympathetic portrayal of yesterday's fashion in barbarism: homicide terrorism.
But until you see ``Syriana,'' nominated for best screenplay (and George Clooney, for best supporting actor) you have no idea how self-flagellation and self-loathing pass for complexity and moral seriousness in Hollywood...
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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

In Vietnam, Christianity gains quietlyRoman Catholicism takes hold, especially among the young and urban.

By Simon Montlake | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor
Last Christmas, the Rev. Peter Phuc fulfilled a lifelong dream: He went to Rome. With nine other priests he spent three weeks visiting churches and museums, though he didn't make an official visit to the Vatican, with which Vietnam has no diplomatic relations...
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Missionaries made in China

By Gerald Mercer
Thursday, 23 February 2006
The economy is not the only thing that is booming in China. Religious fervour is pushing up against official restrictions and seeking opportunities abroad...
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National Catholic Register: Is hospice movement going beyond end-of-life care?

By Judy Roberts
National Catholic Register (
STEUBENVILLE, Ohio (National Catholic Register) –
Families who have contacted the nonprofit Hospice Patients Alliance are raising important questions about hospice as a movement.
Although hospice’s stated mission remains that of providing compassionate and dignified care to people at the end of life, some are asking whether hospices are starting to go beyond that role by hastening death instead...
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Abortion Study Causes Stir in New Zealand

By Mary Rettig
March 1, 2006
(AgapePress) -
The director of the Elliot Institute says a New Zealand study could have a big effect on abortion around the globe. The study reports that women who have abortions have a higher rate of subsequent mental problems that couldn't be explained by any pre-abortion mental issues...
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The Return of Patriarchy? Fatherhood and the Future of Civilization

Wednesday, March 01, 2006
by Albert Mohler
Will the world soon experience a return of patriarchy? That is the question raised by Phillip Longman in the current issue of Foreign Policy.
The magazine's cover features a rather stunning headline: "Why Men Rule--and Conservatives Will Inherit the Earth." That headline would be surprising in almost any contemporary periodical, but it is especially significant that this article should appear in the pages of Foreign Policy, published by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. The publication of this article is likely to set a good many heads to spinning...
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Don’t mis-underestimate Dubya

The Bush family has an uncanny knack of knowing where the future will happen, says Jaithirth Rao
Posted online: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 at 0000 hours IST
As we prepare to welcome the leader of the world’s most powerful republic, it behooves us to make sure that we grapple with facts, not just biased opinions. It is unfortunate that so much of the information about the US is derived by our elites from the eastern seaboard, Left-leaning media who are on the opposite side of the American political spectrum from George W. Bush and who therefore have a vested interest in opposing and disparaging him...
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