Wednesday, September 27, 2006

British Survey Finds Overwhelming Majority of Women Regretted Abortions

by Steven Ertelt Editor
September 12, 2006
London, England ( -- A British pro-life group placed advertisements in six women's magazines there to gather the experiences of women who had abortions and find out their reaction to their decision years down the road. More than 82 percent of the women who responded indicated they deeply regretted their abortion decisions.

Some 248 women replied to the ads sponsored by the group LIFE between April and early July.

Just 26 said they had a few or no regrets about their abortions, including one 74 year-old woman who had three abortions in the 1960s and 70s and another who had aborted twins.

Of that small group of women, they indicated they had no other alternative than the abortion or said it was the "right thing" at that moment in their lives. Still, many said they would not want to do it again. Nine other women said they were undecided about their abortion experiences.

However, 204 of the 248 women said they deeply regretted their abortions.(continue reading article at link)

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Top Ten List: If Hillary Becomes President

Top Ten List: If Hillary Becomes President

1. During the campaign, she and Bill will have a covert yet overheard and therefore reported, romantic reconciliation ...with photos
2. Throughout the entire campaign cycle, we will see her swathed in pink, after which she will relapse into black pant suits accented with bright colors, less make-up and shorter hair (she has spoken wistfully of sporting a crew-cut)
3. Chelsea will at long last get married in a fabulous photo-op white house wedding; televised (Bill will cry), choreographed and paid for by Hollywood cronies. The young couple will then busy themselves producing grandbabies in time to prop up poll numbers
4. Prime government appointments will be women, competent or not. One week a month, all men will exit the building
5. Hillary will end "don't ask don't tell", extending the red carpet to gays in the military, even conferring special status with new medals - Gay Bling
6. She will be the least visible president ever at non-scripted events. In her many scripted events, she will exercise total control and the press will grovel and self-censor or be frozen out
7. She will drop Clinton as her surname, perhaps dropping Rodham, and so proceed simply as HILLARY - Superstar - (think Cher)
8. We will at last be treated to a public display of that famous and profane temper when some poor sucker asks the wrong question
9. Bill will become Secretary General of the U.N., appointing himself ”king of the world”
10. We’ll all be equal, but some of us will be more equal than others

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Beth Moore Bible Studies

Call me clueless, but gender studies baffle me. Why do I need a "girls' eye view" of the law and the gospel? Squishy theology.
Below, completely unedited is a review of a Beth Moore Bible study. I think the review says it all. Who can resist? It's just all about spiritual passion (yawn), and having this wonderful role model (Beth of course being the latest and greatest) to live up to, feel heartfelt about, follow and gush over. And Christ is where? Forget the cross.. yucky, too objective!. Meanwhile women never need to grow up, instead they emote or perform with increasing skill. Yes, I know we are truly more emotional, yet emotional or not, God's goal is not to make us successful, and where else do girl studies go? Fine wine versus soda pop.
I have more in common with my confused friends (or Catholics for some reason) than with self-righteous, smug evangelical types... we sinners aren't always making pretty with each other. Yet embracing cynicism is my sin.
Self-righteousness in women's studies ... "little methods and formulas" - advance hell-hot notions. It is apostasy, in spite of "results".
Forgiven in Christ,

Title: Daniel
Author: Beth Moore
Publisher: Lifeway
Length of Study: 12 Weeks

Three Reasons you liked it:
1) Beth is ON FIRE in this study unlike any others I've seen her do.
2) She challenges your mindset and encourages to pay attention to what's around you.
3) She encourages you to spend time in the WORD and pray daily the LORD will impart to you supernatural wisdom and understanding.


Have been participating in another blog (, decided I was talking too much there, perhaps monopolizing the space, so to overcome that problem I'll come here to try something own writings on my own blog.

Previously I only clipped and pasted articles that were important to me; will still do that of course, but now with more of my thinking thrown in. I have been learning how blogs work, and feel more confident about the process and how to do it.